Dates For Your Diary
Monthly meetings are normally held on the second Monday of every month at Liddington Village Hall, opposite the church.
First Aid course
Being planned for post COVID-19 - more to follow
Skillshare - IT'S ON
The Haven Cafe Salisbury 5 Sep.
COVID Secure monthly Bike Ride-Outs on the 3rd Saturday of every even numnbered month and teh £rd Sunday of every odd numbered Month. Email will be sent out to Bikers and check the Forum for details.
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker? Please contact Les Brown at |
Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:
None reported
Please welcome the following to the Group: |
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.
For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at |
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!
Please forward all contributions to |
We're now on Facebook AND Twitter! |
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The COVID-19 Secure Newsletter
Welcome to the August Newsletter.
I hope this finds you all healthy and safe. Whilst restrictions on our activities are easing slightly it is easy to forget we are still in the middle of a pandemic so we musts keep up our guard. As a safety organisation I compel you to follow the latest guidance to keep you and yours safe and to help us find the new normal, whatever it may be.
I am pleased to say we are continuing with tutoring, although understandably we are short on car tutors who are able to operate. If anyone you know is waiting to start or continue their car training, please do explain the reasons why it will take a little longer than normal. I have reproduced the Car and Bike tutoring protocols below so they are easily referenced.
We did manage our face to face committee meeting this month as the weather was kind to us we sat outside the pub in Liddington. We have decided to plan for next year rather than try to plan for any additional activities this year which may well be torpedoed by local or national re-imposition of restrictions. We are hoping to hold the AGM in the Liddington Village Hall on 12 Oct. If you are able to come along please do. Our Regional Coordinator Martin Powell is coming along to talk to us about development in RoADAR and also answer any questions we may have.
I appreciate many of you will be unable to come to the AGM and if this is the case I recommend you give your proxy vote to someone who is attending or to one of the Committee – more details below in the Group Meetings and look ahead section. This will help us ensure our Group Governance is taught as we head towards re-accreditation with RoADAR next March.
In the mean time stay safe and healthy.
Bob Fram
Skillshare COVID Secure First Saturday of Every Month, up to and including October 2020
Skillshare has returned. It is a chance for the tutors to get together to discuss training and also for us to promote the Group now we can train again.
We will continue with our two location SkillShare for the remainder of this year utilising the first Saturday of every month up to and including October. Please do spread the word and direct people to the website to register.
Tutoring Protocols - Risk assessments have been completed and are held bu teh Charman
Car tutoring protocol
This is a voluntary activity and both parties (Tutor and Associate) must be content to be in the same car as each other (normally the Associate’s car). It is recognised each individual has their own circumstances and acceptance of level of risk. There will be no judgement of individuals who do not wish to conduct car training.
Wiltshire RoADAR have a written risk assessment which is available on request. The mitigation factors listed below are to minimise the risk of coronavirus infection for the Tutor and the Associate. These are the absolute minimum required and if individuals wish to add their own factors then this is up to them and will be fully supported by the committee.
Essential Mitigation Measures
No training if either party has displayed COVID 19 symptoms within 7 days or is self-isolating in line with Government guidance (including Test and Trace protocols).
Face covering to be worn by both tutor and associate. These must be in place prior to entering the vehicle.
Associate to ensure vehicle interior is cleaned with sanitiser prior to tutor entering the vehicle.
Ensure hands are clean (washed for 20 seconds and/or alcohol gel as a minimum) prior to fitting face covering.
Gloves to be worn by tutor when in the vehicle.
Tutor and associate must not touch their face when in the vehicle or prior to removing gloves and washing/sanitising hands.
Vehicle ventilation system to be on and drawing air from outside the vehicle (NOT on recirculation). Ventilation enhanced by opening rear windows to allow air flow over tutor and associate to go out of the vehicle.
Avoid face to face activity and conduct discussions outside the vehicle where safe and legal to do so.
Any equipment taken into the vehicle by the tutor to be sanitised post the session (alcohol wipes or a bleach solution).
Recommended Additional Mitigation Measures
Gloves to be worn by associate.
Tutor to wear an outer layer of clothing which can be removed and placed in a bag for washing post tutoring session.
Tutor may use a disposable seat covering if so desired.
Bike tutoring Protocol
We must ensure the safety of both the Associate and the Tutor. The following protocol is to be followed:
- Both parties must be happy to partake in the tutoring session – there is no penalty for not wishing to partake provided communication is clear.
- No tutoring if either the Associate or the Tutor have displayed symptoms within the last 7 days or are told to self- isolate by the Government Test and Trace protocol.
- All must follow Government guidelines on self-isolation and shielding.
- Appropriate Social distancing must be rigorously applied.
- Follow Government guidelines for hand cleansing and personal safety – hand sanitiser to be used appropriately.
- Avoid busy locations for meeting and take own refreshments.
- Associates to be encouraged to bring their own copy of Roadcraft and the Highway code for ease of reference during briefing and de briefing sessions.
- Tutor explanations and diagrams to be suitable for understanding from 2 metres.
Group Meetings and look ahead
AGM 12 October -Regional Coordinator Martin Powell will attend
The AGM is planned to be held on October 12 at Liddington Vilage Hall. We are currenlty able to hold a gathering provided we are COVID secure. Restrictions are as follows:
Sadly we will not be able to provide refreshments so please do bring a flask and a treat if you want refreshment.
Whilst we can set up the Hall to provide the necessary social distancing it is reommended we all wear face coverings to help prevent the spread of any infection.
Many of you will be unable to attend due to personal circumstances. Please do give your vote to someonelse by Proxy. If you are unsure of who may be able to represent you, and you are happy to do so, please give your proxy to the Chairman or Secretary as you see fit.
There are some additional cleaning responsibilites in the Hall when we have finished - please do help the committee to ensure the venue is safe for those who follow us.
We realise there have been few meetings this year and were wondering if the group would like to have a virtual meeting? Drop a line if you would be interested to meet virtually to and we will organise a session!
This Years' Speakers
Thanks to Les for organising our guest speakers.
Meetings are on hold until we have detail on the easing of the Lockdown - please bear with us
New Speakers
Les is working hard to fill the rest of the year’s speakers if you have any ideas please let him know at
Promotional activities
With the excepetion of Skillshare no events planned for the reaminder of 2020
All members please ensure they partake in any activity only if they are content to do so. The onus is on ourselves to maintain our own health in the way we see fit.
Proposed Promotional activities 2021
Outline events for next year are below, all of which will need member support so please do help us promote our Group:
the Group at Casle Coombe race circuit - Bikes and Cars. Make best use
of Gary's RoADAR Wilsthire Racing antics to spread the word.
We will have a stand at the Calne Bike meet in July (already paid for as this year's event was cancelled).
We will continue to seek support from Wiltshire Council Road Safety Comittee.
Support Wiltshire Police with Bike Safe
Attend the Emergency Services Show should it go ahead.
BikeSafe - Cancelled for 2020 - will resume in 2021
We will be supporting Wiltshire Police with BikeSafe next year both with tutors to make up the instructor numbers and to help promote the Group. We do this in conjunction with WABAM so it is a great way to reinforce advanced riding and to gather new members.
Look forward to hearing and discussing your ideas.
Presentation material
A generic set of slides has been created for use if you are asked about Wiltshire RoADAR and have the opportunity to present. This could be at a local club, workplace etc. Please send a mail to and the slides will be sent over to you.
We also have flyers and business cards so ask for these via the same means
Have you been up to anything to do with Riding or Driving lately? If so, then please let us know as we would love to include it here; photos would be great too!
COVID Secure Ride Out
Ride out August 15th
We had to split the Group into 2 this month (a North Team and a South Team) as we had 8 bikers turn up at the car park at the Sally Pussey's Inn near Royal Wootton Bassett (drawn by the availability of a nice cup of coffee).
One group set off the revisit the lovely roads on the way to and from the Haven Cafe near Salisbury. We skirted round Dvizes on the minor roads before heading to the Haven via Amesbury and the Winterbournes. The Haven was as welcoming and efficient as ever but there were fewer bikes at the cafe than our last visit which one could attribute to the wet weather!
A nice blast via the Wallops and across Salisbury Plain saw the Group disperse at Marlborough - the observant of you will notice this is pretty similar to last month's ride out but thankfully only the leader did it last month and it was an easy ad hoc ride to do as we had too many bikes to ride as one group
The Southern team preparing to leave a damp Haven cafe
The "Northern" group Rode north through Tetbury, Avening and over Minchinhampton common.
We discovered a nice little cafe "Prema arts centre" South Street, Uley, Nr Dursley GL11 5SS.
The cream tea arrived quicker than the bacon sarnies! -so be warned if you want your sarnie before your scone! It seems the Born to Mild label will not go away!
Cream tea anyone?
Ride out protocol
Maximum of 6 riders:
- Pre booking with the ride leader essential; do not just turn up on the day – first come first served – if more register then we will split into 2 groups
- RV to avoid busy spaces where there will be gatherings of people.
- All riders to arrive at RV with full tank of petrol and ready for the ride.
- Rides to be planned for no longer than 2 hours to prevent the need for rest and fuel stops. May be longer if cafes and other facilities (toilets) are open -we will review as this happens.
- If you want a cup of coffee bring a flask and nibbles for yourself.
- Ride to avoid busy beauty spots where there is likely to be lots of traffic.
Wilts RoADAR Racing: Update
If you have not flicked through your Care on the Road Magazine then please do and see the sarticle by Gary Frnaks on Racing Towards a Dream - Driving Instructor Career. More on his racing career development below.
August was a fairly busy month.
I now have a team mate, who shares the mini with me at selected events. We both entered the Hot Hatch Challenge on August first, doing one race each. Steve qualified, as he had never raced at Combe before, and was in the chair for race 1. I was allowed to qualify by association as I had raced at Combe before. This meant that I had to start on the back row for race 2, but my mini isn't that quick, so a back row start was likely anyway.
We both finished our races out of trouble and achieving PB times on the way. Another signature each.
In addition to the Hot Hatch sprints, we entered the Dave Allen Trophy race on the same day. It's a 45 minute "enduro" with a mandatory pit stop and optional driver change. Steve started, and handed over to me at around 18-19 minutes. We had a lot of fun, as there were cars around our performance to play with. Another signature each...
On August 15th we packed up the team and trundled over to Norfolk. Steve and I had entered another 45 minute "Tin Top" race with another club, CSCC (Classic Sports Car Club) at Snetterton. It was similar format to Dave Allen, with a rolling start and a mandatory 2 minute pitstop, with optional driver change. Again we had a lot of fun, with more cars at our performance level.
The next race for me is back at Combe, on Bank Holiday Monday, September first.
In addition, I am planning to overcome my horsepower deficit at Combe. Stay tuned!
Camping - Might be on again soon - planning for a Septemebr Trip!
We had a camping trip organised, to the Black Cock Inn on Exmoor in April. The invite is for all members, car and bikers alike. We will organise a similar trip later in the year once COVID-19 has passed.
Following a couple of enjoyable camping weekend trips last year, we plan to repeat the exercise using the tried and trusted formula.
Identify a camp site near a pub - it's the law ok!
We have identified a pub with a camp site. Or is that a camp site with a pub? Right on Exmoor’s Doorstep, The Black Cock Inn Offers Scenic camping.
Travel down on Friday. Gentlemen or ladies, of leisure can choose to take an extended route on Friday afternoon. It is close enough for the gainfully employed to travel after work.
We'll ride a full day Saturday route/ locations TBD.
Sunday we'll pack up and take a scenic route home.
Feel free to join for all or just part of the weekend. You can eat and drink in the pub or at your tent.
First Aid Training - COVID-19 dependant - postponed to 2021
It is intended to provide a first aid training day (subsidised by the Group). This is highly recommended for all tutors as part of our responsibilities for the safety of our associates but also an excellent skill for all of us; you never know when you will need it. It is compulsory training for me at work and one of my colleagues saved her husband’s life as she had first aid training.
This will probably be on a Saturday as soon as we can after the lockdown; we have 15 already interested s. Watch this space for more (we will communicate with those who have registered an interest directly). It is not too late to register interest (this does not commit you) so email the Chairman if you wish to be included
Media coordinator - Help us to broaden our reach
To help promote the group we have a variety of online media platforms, FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. To help make the most out of the opportunities that these outlets provide, we could use some help from someone who has experience of using such tools. Drop me a line at if you would be interested in helping promote our group.
Committee minutes
These are available from the Group Secretary if any member wishes to see them. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto you.
Please could all Members use the Forum on the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation. It is easy to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.
Test results
Reminder to let the Membership Secretary and your tutor know when you have taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish to keep your result confidential.
RoADAR Head Office Facebook Page |
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