April 2017
Dates For Your Diary
Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of every month 7.30 pm for 7.45 pm at Liddington Village Hall, opposite the church
 No Meeting
June 12
Martin Collisson -  A Life of Riley (how not to rebuild a Riley)
July 10
Julie Garbutt -  British Horse society.
  No Meeting

Monthly Ride-Outs
Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. 
National BikeSafe at Rockingham 19 August
Events where we will be recruiting and  need your support - please put them in your diary.
Calne Bike Meet 29 July
Emergency Services Show
3 September
Cotswold Airport near Kemble
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker?  Please contact Monica!

Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:
Jean Stark Car Bronze Tutor Les Brown
New Associates:
Please welcome the following to the Group:
Alexis Barrett - Car,
Lee Churchill - Car,
Robin Julian - Bike, 
Chris Metcalfe - Bike,
James Corneloues - Bike,
Piers Covill - Bike
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.

For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at www.wiltshireroadar.co.uk.
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!

Please forward all contributions to newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk
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April Meeting Report
 Help develop the Group - Committee members refresh
As announced at the AGM in October we will need to find new Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.  After many years of service Stephen Izatt, Mary Southgate and Mike Southgate wish to handover their respective responsibilities at the next AGM in October 2017. 
October seems like a long way off but trust us it will be here before we know it. 
If  anyone wishes to take on any of these posts then please let Mary know at
secretary@wiltshireroadar.co.uk.  If you are at all interested then please come and join the committee and see how we operate – we all can add value to the Group and fresh ideas are always welcome so please help to guide and run the Group.
Speaker Gill Leaman  - Wiltshire Search and Rescue
This evening we were give a most interesting talk by Gill Leaman who has been a volunteer with Wiltshire Search and Rescue for eight and a half years.  Wiltshire Search and Rescue became a registered charity in 2003 and is a partner of Mountain Rescue.  We have no mountains in Wiltshire and so their focus is on lowland search, most often for vulnerable people.
There are about seventy members, all volunteers, answerable to the Police who call them out when they are needed, day or night.  Some searches have been known to go on, non-stop, for up to six days!  To be a member you must be over 18, physically fit, able to walk five miles in two hours, and be prepared to undergo training, team training, weekend residential, water safety, basic life support and safeguarding refresher courses.   You have to be committed to attending ten searches a year.
Categories for searches are for people who are “Absent”, that is not where they are expected to be, and “Missing” which is also not where they are expected to be but their no-show is out of character and so they may be seemed to be at risk or subject to a crime.  Searches are made for missing children, the elderly, dementia sufferers (not always elderly) people with mental health issues and by far the most common, despondent.  They are also occasionally asked to look for evidence.
When a call out is needed, an SMS message is sent to everyone.  From those who have responded a Team Leader is appointed, a planning manager to designate the areas of search, and a driver.  Teams of three are then sent out. They need to be prepared to be outdoors for up to six hours. There is one vehicle, kept at Devizes, equipped for the search with computers and radio.  Someone is also covering refreshment and after the search is completed there is a team of specific counsellors on hand should the volunteers need them. Volunteers use maps as well as GPS since one never knows how long a phone battery will last.
Wiltshire Search and Rescue also have access to search dogs from neighbouring counties, we now have two of our own in training and there are six fully trained flood managers.
Funding comes from “fundraising”.  They need £11,000 – £12,000 a year to operate.  A new vehicle costs about £30,000 and they would really like another one.  They are also considering the use of drones, but again, they are expensive.
I had no idea that this team existed, I was under the impression that searches we see on TV were all police personnel.  It was an excellent presentation and a real eye-opener. 
Thank you Gail, and keep up the good work!
Notes by Mary Southgate
Bike Tutors
Do you fancy the idea of tutoring others? Did you enjoy your experience of being tutored? Well, now is the time to give it a go yourself!! We are on the look out for new bike tutors to help train new members. If you like the idea of tutoring others, and finding another excuse to get out of doing the cooking and housework and being out on your bike, then have a talk to your tutor to see what it entails. Believe me, its a lot harder than you might imagine, but also very rewarding!!
A reminder for all Members there is a Forum on the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation.  It is easy to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.

Head Office - Accreditation Consultation

As mentioned last time, there are ongoing talks with RoADAR and the Group's dissatisfaction with elements within the new constitution. Last month it was reported that our Chairman is content that the current governance of our Group is sufficiently robust. The Chairman has responded to RoADAR firmly explaining our concerns with the over controlling approach of RoADAR and the lack of recognition of our volunteer statu and has challenged some aspects of the accreditation conditions whilst using this opportunity to further strengthen our governance.
However, after speaking to several RoADAR groups, many are also expressing similar concerns with aspects of the new constitution. We are considering our approach to resolve this issue which includes talking to the ROSPA trustees and also Charity Commission. 
Skill Share

We will be running SkillShare for both cars and bikes on the first Saturday of every month from April to October (inclusive) at the Divine Café in Cherhill at 1000 – 1200 (details on the website if you need them).  Please use this as a way of encouraging new members to come and meet us and have a driving /riding assessment. 
All Tutors please make yourself available where you can to help us promote the Group.  Cars are coordinated by Nick Carrington and Mark Sealey for Bikes.
Trip to Germany
6 - 13 May 2017
This year’s trip is to Monschau in Germanyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monschau.
Some lucky people are off very soon!!    Have fun guys and stay safe!!
Gute Reise!!!
Membership Secretary: Mrs. Monica Graham, 114 Marines Drive, Faringdon, Oxon. SN7 7UG.Tel: 01367 242377
Hon Secretary: Mrs. Mary Southgate
To make sure that you receive our messages we recommend that you add newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk, membership@wiltshireroadar.co.uk and secretary@wiltshireroadar.co.uk to your address list.