October 2018
Dates For Your Diary
Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at Liddington Village Hall, opposite the church

November 12th
Speaker to be advised 
January 11th
Christmas meal - location to be advised

Next date is 6 April 2019 at Three Trees Farm Shop, Chiseldon
Monthly Ride-Outs
Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Check the Forum for details
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker?  Please contact Monica!

Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:  
No tests of which we we are aware this month
Please welcome the following to the Group:
No new members which we are aware of this month
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.

For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at www.wiltshireroadar.co.uk.
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!

Please forward all contributions to newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk
We're now on
Find us on facebook
Annual General Meeting - 8 October 2018
Apologies- Richard Howes, Monica Graham
Welcome by Bob Fram
Minutes of last AGM – approved at the next committee meeting
Chairman's report:
Achievements from last year
Achieving accreditation this has been a long and painful journey and thanks for all your Patience and understating.

We are GDPR compliant and going through the exercise has made us more efficient in the way we handle data. Special thanks goes to the Gary Franks and Phil Colbourne who have done the bulk of the work on our data collection and storage.
We have continued with our purpose and continue to mentor drivers and riders through their Advanced test. We are achieving a high standard and we mist continue to do so.
Relationship with HQ:
We continue to receive more direction than support from HQ. Membership costs have increased with the addition of the "benefits". 
We have the opportunity to feedback to HQ at the roadshow on 24th - Afternote please use the Forum to add comments for the Chairman to raise.
Please remember RoADAR have their own facebook page so please make use of it to provide them with feedback.
To the Committee who have worked hard to keep the Group compliant with all aspects of Governance
Thanks to those who have done other roles - I will single out the training officers Nick Carrington who is stepping down and done so much for the Group and Mark Sealey and Dave Venman who are working hard to ensure we improve our standards. Thanks also to John McKellar who is stepping down and emigrating to Malta.
A big thank you to all who supported the Group at the promotional shows we attended.
Next year, 2018 – 2019.
Vision - A group which grows in membership and in the standards we achieve.
My focus is to continue with our core business and ensure we improve the standards of our training and promote the Group to increase our influence and membership
We have 3 members with Diplomas (2 Bike and 1 car)
Our membership has remained around 130 but now we have completed the accreditation we can invest in more branding and promotion
We will look to increase the influence of our social rideouts and trips.
Treasurer’s report – Winston
Balance sheet was issued showing we are a solvent group. Cash is going up and will do so sharply in October due to membership renewals.
If not paid by Christmas, then your membership is cancelled.
Focus on the following year is membership and marketing eg blue shirts
Audited accounts have been sent to HQ.
Membership – Gary
2017 – 139 members
2018 – 132 members – 64 Cars, 63 bikes, 5 swing both ways!
Since last AGM, 38 applicants. Baseline membership is static at around 135. More members will require more tutors.
Policy – not paid by Christmas, then removed from membership. Reminders are sent out in August, September and October.
As a note: 113 members are from Swindon, 72 members are tutors or have passed their test; 60 have not past test. In total there are: 22 Tutors, 9 Car and 13 bike.
Officer Election:
Bob Fram
Dave Blackledge
Nick Carrington
Patricia Howarth
Peter Genet
Gary Franks
Winston Castle
Mark Sealey
Mike Southgate
Membership Secretary
Gary Franks
Peter Genet
Les Brown
Phil Colbourne
Mark Sealey
Kevin Hugo
Mark Sealey
Mike Southgate
Dave Blackledge
Peter Genet
Eddie Ruskin
Mike Southgate
Addendum: Since the AGM, Patricia Howarth has stepped down as Secretary; Peter Genet will continue in role until a successor is found.
AGM Completed 8.30pm.
May Trippers
This has become an annual event to which all are invited. A brief summary of this year's trip is below:
Eighteen members of the Group spent a week based in the Welsh village of Tresaith, Ceredigion on Cardigan Bay to enjoy the local scenery.  Blessed with fantastic weather (it only rained once and this was a half-hearted attempt which came to nought) we enjoyed stunning West Wales scenery and fantastic roads.  Each of us took turns in organising a ride out; on some days there were separate rides to suit the energy levels of participants.  Those in cars either joined the bikes at pre-arranged rendezvous or did their own thing.
We soaked up the local culture and history, visits included; coracle museum, Cwm Rhydol hydro-electric system, Penderyn distillery, Portmeirion (of Prisoner fame), Devil’s Bridge, Aberystwyth and some fantastic mountain roads.  There was the usual geographic embarrassment (despite the use of modern satnavs), gallons of tea drunk and a small mountain of cake consumed. 
Lunch stop at Nant -y -Moch reservoir
This is becoming an annual event and 2019 the plan is to base in Beverley Yorkshire 18 - 25 May 2019.  As per previous years we are arranging our own accommodation to suit individual needs - there is no need to spend the whole week with the Group.  For more information contact the Committee.
Details of the 2019 May Trippers can be found at this link to the forum: May 2019
If at any time you have an idea for a trip, weekend away, then please use the link on the group's webpage: Trips
Membership Renewal
We have sent out membership renewal reminders.  Please send your subscription to the Treasurer; electronically is best and easiest.  It helps us if you do this sooner rather than later so we can keep tracks on the numbers in the Group; this allows us to plan activities and promotional events.
Please note the comments in the AGM section above.
Message from RoADAR HQ -  Another Regional co-ordinator role
Following on from my email announcing the available position of  Regional Coordinator, Scotland and Ireland,  I can confirm we have had a great response to the role with many applications. We short listed several people from the applications and  interviewed for the role discussing the requirements needed to ensure a strong and successful future.
I am pleased to announce the new team member of Regional Coordinators, Scotland and Ireland as Allan Mauchline. Allan is the treasurer and car tutor within East Kilbride Drivers and Riders and is also an Independent Approved Driving Instructor, prior to this Allan worked in UK Telecoms industry and worked for Strathclyde Police as a Telecoms Engineer for over 20 years.
Allan will commence his role as of 1st November, 2018 and I am sure you will all join me in welcoming Allan into the team and look forward to building relationships, the Groups under Allan’s remit shall be, Ireland Riders, Munster Riders, Northern Ireland Drivers and Riders, Ayrshire Riders, Ayrshire Drivers, East Renfrewshire Drivers and Riders, East Kilbride Drivers and Riders and Edinburgh and Lothian Drivers and Riders. Once Allan has started in his role he shall be contactable at amauchline@rospa.com
I would also like to take this time to thank John Badley whom will step down as regional coordinator, Scotland and Ireland at this time. John will be continuing his role in the SW for the time being.
I can confirm that Interviews shall be taking place next week for the Regional Coordinator Role, East and South East.
Kind regards
Geeks Corner - What month do we get new joiners?

 Of the 132 members we had post AGM... 
January saw 4 joiners over the years.   2 cars 2 bikes
February had 9 new joins                     5 cars 4 bikes
March had 6 joins                                5 cars 1 bike 
April had 11                                         2 cars 9 bikes
May had 11                                         6 cars 5 bikes
June had 10                                        2 cars 8 bikes
July had 13                                         7 cars 6 bikes
August had 14                                     7 cars 7 bikes  
September had 16                              10 cars 6 bikes
October had 21 joins                           10 cars 11 bikes
November had 9                                  7 cars 2 bikes
December had 7                                  5 cars 2 bikes

Excluding the anomaly of October, this makes April to September our busiest time, which makes sense in terms of the weather.

RoADAR Roadshows - have your say direct to RoADAR HQ
RoADAR HQ are conducting three RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders workshops in the UK between October and January.
The aim of the half day workshops is to share best practice, network with our fellow groups and colleagues, discuss our achievements over the past 12 months (including talking about what’s next), and there will be a forum where members can discuss various topics to allow us to hear your ideas and views.
The workshops are free to attend and are open to all subscribing full members
The workshops shall take place from 9:30 – 12:30 as follows:
Saturday, October 20, 2018 – Donnington Park
Saturday, November 24, 2018 – Castle Coombe
Saturday, January 26, 2019 – York Railway Museum
Book your place
To book your place or for more information, please click the following link: www.rospa.com/events/roadar-roadshows/  and complete the booking form. If you have any questions or queries please contact furtherinfo@roadar.org or call 012 248 2099.
Spaces are limited and issued on a first-come first-served basis.*
Should you or your group have ideas of topics that you would like to see put forward for discussion, please do so by emailing furtherinfo@roadar.org.
RoADAR HQ hope you will be able to join us at a date and location that is most suited to you.
*RoSPA has the final decision on attendees. 
The Chairman has registered to attend.
Committee minutes    These are available from the Group Secretary if any member wishes to see them. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto you.
Committee membership  Always on the lookout for willing volunteers to help run the group and maintain its high standards. Just for info, the committee meets once a month. However, the mix of the committee is very strongly biased towards bikers; there is only one car representative now on the committee. Any car drivers want to change the balance?
A reminder for all Members there is a Forum on the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation.  It is easy to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.
Test results 
Reminder to let the Membership Secretary and your tutor know when you have taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish to keep your result confidential.

Communication from RoADAR Coordinator - Richard Howes
Richard's monthly message has been placed on the Forum under General Discussion.  Please head over there to see the latest from our Regional Coordinator
RoADAR Head Office facebook Page
Reminder of the page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/161699161113584/ or type in RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders in to your facebook.
Skillshare  - Next Event April 2019 Three Trees Farm Shop Chisledon
The last event of the year took place in October followed by a Tutor's training / development day.  Plan is to have two of these tutors days, once at the start of the training season, and one at the end, 
Thank you for all who have supported these events throughout the year.  There has not been a massive take up but we will focus on promotion next year and hopefully increase the attendance
Skillshare is for both car drivers and bike riders.
Drivers or riders can turn up and get a free assessment of their skills, with the opportunity to sign up for full membership if they want to take it further. If members get an opportunity to publicise Skillshare the website is a good starting point or please ask Mark Sealey for more information (skillshare@wiltshireroadar.co.uk)
Membership Secretary: Mr Gary Franks
Hon Secretary: Mr Peter Genet
To make sure that you receive our messages we recommend that you add newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk, membership@wiltshireroadar.co.uk and secretary@wiltshireroadar.co.uk to your address list.