Dates For Your Diary
Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at Liddington Village Hall, opposite the church
July 9th 2018
No Speaker - Quiz evening
August 2018
No Meeting
September 10th 2018
Mark Harris Road users 1st Aid
October 8th
July 28th 2018
Calne Bike Show - yes, we are attending so volunteers to the Secretary please!
Next date is 7 July at The Haven, Salisbury
Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Check the Forum for details
(Last ride was fantastic - down to Lynemouth via Porlock Hill!!)
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker? Please contact Monica! |
Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:
Bob Fram, Gold (Bike), Retest
Gemma Summers, Gold (Car), Tutor Dave Venman
Please welcome the following to the Group:
Andrew Hunt (Bike)
Derek Hill (Bike)
Simon Pavitt (Bike)
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.
For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at |
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures! Please forward all contributions to |
We're now on Facebook AND Twitter! |
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General Data Protection Regulation - reminder
As of mid-June, 101 of 130 members
had given consent. 29 responses are outstanding.
You will have seen the email from the Membership Secretary asking for you to opt in to the Group Committee holding your data for the benefit of the Group. It is very difficult for us to keep you updated and to properly administer the Group if you do not opt in so please reply to his email so we have a record of your consent. If you do not opt in we will assume you will not be continuing your membership when subscriptions are due at the AGM.
Our Privacy statement is included below as a reminder.
The Chairman and the Committee of RoADAR Wiltshire will hold personal data about members (name, address, email address, phone numbers, RoSPA test status, year of birth) necessary for the operation of the Group; this information will only be collected from you (or your assigned Tutor regarding test passes). This data will be securely held on a database and will be used to pass communications and manage subscriptions for the Group. Information will only be passed to other members for the good of the Group (for organising events linked to the Group; training, trips and attendance at events) and to RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders Head Office (the only third party) for the management of tests, membership, training and tutor records. We will hold your data whilst you are a member of RoADAR Wiltshire – when you leave your data will be deleted. Data will not be used for any automated decision making but anonymised data may be used to aid Committee decision making. You have the right to request the information we hold and to withdraw your consent for us to hold the information; this will reduce our capacity to communicate with you. This no way impinges on your rights as an individual as stated in the new GDPR.
Meeting 11 June - Dr Jonathan Glover from SWIFT
On 11 June we were treated to an excellent talk by Dr Jonathan Glover from Swift Medics Emergency Response. Jonathan is a GP who became involved due to his interest in emergency care out of hospital. He has now moved to a more strategic and teaching role in the organisation.
South West Intervention for Trauma (SWIFT) was established in 1996 by Army doctors supporting Salisbury Plain around Tidworth and became a registered charity in 2009. They provide emergency response doctors to support the ambulance service treating the critically ill or injured improving care, survival and recovery. The Charity trains, equips and funds the volunteer doctors. This Group now covers an area from the Severn bridge to Hungerford and from Southampton to Cirencester.
Doctors are on call 24/7/365, activated by the ambulance service (so are an NHS body) and bring skills to an incident beyond those of the paramedics. They respond in their own car and have driver training from South West Ambulance Trust (training from the Devizes Police driving school became too expensive). They will:
- Provide strong pain control (“Special K” being the drug of choice – Ketamine)
- Conduct lifesaving surgery and manipulation of bones
- Administer anaesthesia, allowing patents to be put on life support – improving the odds of survival
They will conduct procedures themselves or supervise the paramedic. They create an inclusive atmosphere and all at the incident have the chance to provide an opinion. This allows the doctors to “phone a friend”, “ask the audience” or give it a go (if it is 50:50 for survival you must do something). The majority of the calls are to Road Traffic Collisions and they attended 210 patients in 2017.
Jonathan provided some (pretty graphic) details of incidents he had attended and it was reassuring to see some of the trauma from which people made a good recovery. There were some impressive interventions to save life. He provided some interesting statements. Blood does not clot when it is cold ( <34deg C ) so it is important to extract a casualty quickly and warm the patient. A naked patient is placed in a warming blanket (with a chemical which warms on exposure to air) and then a space blanket. When asked if there is a difference between the make of cars he said “buy German” (comment other makes are available comment ends)
Understandably there are plenty of people who have been returned to tax payer status and then provide financial support to the charity. Funds are always required. The charity is needed as it is not financially viable for the NHS to keep emergency doctors on call just in case. Charity costs are still high; £30,000 to train and equip a doctor and £6,000 per year to maintain the service. Doctors are asked to sign up to a 5 year commitment to make this value for money.
There are benefits for the doctor who can help their career due the experience they gain. Moreover, Jonathan provided some letters from grateful patients; he said it was a privilege to be able to help others and he received gratitude money simply cannot buy.
An inspirational evening.
Bob Fram
We are getting regular invitations from other groups.
Gloucester Group
The Science of Being Seen Thu 19 July 18 at 19:30 – 21:15
This talk looks at the problem of collisions between motorcycles and other vehicles (which are usually cars) at junctions. Most of these collisions are ‘Right Of Way Violations’ where the driver turns across a motorcycle’s path.
The Science of Being Seen (SOBS) considers three closely related issues:
- Visual perception problems that result in drivers turning in front of approaching motorcycles
- A critical look at the evidence for the effectiveness of conspicuity aids such as hi-vis clothing and day riding lights
- The need for motorcyclists to be proactive in protecting themselves
SOBS can create a generation of riders better-equipped with practical solutions to avoid being caught out by the ‘looked but failed to see’ driver error.
Visiting from London to give this talk, Kevin Williams has spent over three decades as a professional motorcyclist, and more than twenty years in motorcycle training. Everyone welcome and refreshments will be available.
Calne Bike Meet 28 July - Volunteers to help on the stand
We have a plot for the Calne Bike meet to aid with our biker recruiting (we also meet a fair few car drivers there as well). We do need volunteers to help on the day - you do not have to be there all day but if you can help out for all or part of the day please let the Secretary know so we can plan the manning of the stand.
Committee minutes These are available from the Group Secretary if any member wishes to see them. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto you.
Committee membership Always on the lookout for willing volunteers to help run the group and maintain its high standards. Just for info, the committee meets once a month. However, the mix of the committee is very strongly biased towards bikers; there is only one car representative now on the committee. Any car drivers want to change the balance?
A reminder for all Members there is a Forum on the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation. It is easy to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.
Test results
Reminder to let the Membership Secretary and your tutor know when you have taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish to keep your result confidential.
Geek's Corner - a bit of fun info! |
Where are we based? (Information pulled from the database).
We have 130 members as of the
Middle of June.
- 2 from Berkshire,
- 4 from Bristol,
- 2 from Gloucestershire,
- 3 from Hampshire,
- 12 from Oxfordshire,
- 5 from Somerset,
- 102 from Wiltshire.
Communication from RoADAR Coordinator - Richard Howes |
Richard's monthly message has been placed on the Forum under General Discussion. Please head over there to see the latest from our Regional Coordinator
RoADAR Head Office facebook Page |
Skillshare 2018 - Next Event 7 July - The Haven Salisbury
Skillshare will run from 10 am on the first Saturday of each month from April to October. The locations (to improve our coverage across the County) are as follows:
Skillshare is for both car drivers and bike riders.
Drivers or riders can turn up and get a free assessment of their skills, with the opportunity to sign up for full membership if they want to take it further. If members get an opportunity to publicise Skillshare the website is a good starting point or please ask Mark Sealey for more information (
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