September 2015
Dates For Your Diary

Monday 12th October
7:15pm for 7:45

AGM. This year our Annual General Meeting will include a talk by Tony Wilkes from Severn Freewheelers.

Monday 9th November
7:15pm for 7:45

Meeting: Paul Silverwood from the Under 17 Car Club will be speaking about their activities

Monday 14th December
7:15pm for 7:45

Meeting: Eddie Ruskin will be talking about driving following a stroke. Eddie was a a member of the group and training for his advanced test when he was unfortunate enough to suffer a stroke. He has now re-started his training in a car adapted to his needs.

Monthly Ride-Outs
Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. 

Monthly meetings are all held at Liddington Village Hall opposite the church.
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker?  Please contact Monica!
Welcome to the following members who have all recently joined the group:

Ali King (Car)
 Paul Draper (Car)
Cameron Fitze (Car)
Julian Barefoot (Bike)
Betta Ventura (Car & Bike)
Chris Ventura (Car & Bike) 
Congratulations to the following members who have all recently passed their tests:

Paul Booth (Bike - Silver); Tutored by Pete Kempshall
David Griffiths (Bike - Silver); Tutored by Steve Hyde
Joel McParland (Car - Gold); Tutored by Nick Carrington 
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.

For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!

Please forward all contributions to
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Membership Renewals
Please note that membership renewals are now due for all members, except those who joined the group after October 2014. All members that need to renew should by now have received a renewal email but please let Monica know if you have not yet received this. In order to remain a member of the group please ensure that your annual subscription is paid before the AGM on the 12th October or bring it with you to the meeting.

Thank you. 
Committee Members Needed!
Have you thought about joining the committee? We will be electing committee members at next month's AGM so, if you would like to be nominated, please let any current committee member know and send the nomination form in or complete one on the night. We need new members with fresh ideas so please think about joining us. Committee meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at Liddington Village Hall.
Don't forget that all members are welcome to have further training drives/rides with a Tutor before taking their three-yearly re-test. Please contact Monica if you would like to arrange this. Please can you also let Monica know when you take your re-test so that the Group's records can be kept up to date.
First Aid Course
We will be holding a First Aid course on October 3rd at Liddington Hall, starting at 10:00am (9.30 if you would like coffee first). The cost is £25, which includes a light lunch and tea/coffee throughout morning. Please let Mary Southgate ( know if you would like to attend.
RoADAR Joint Car Tutor Conference
On 19 September Thames Valley ROADAR Group held a Joint Tutor Conference to which neighbouring groups were invited.  Monica and I, and Les (who is also a Thames Valley member) represented the Wiltshire group; four tutors were present from Hampshire.  21 people attended in all, and the conference was held in a lovely meeting room above the shop at Cumber Farm near Abingdon.

The aim was to share current car tutor practice across groups. The sessions were well planned and facilitated, with a good pace throughout the day.

The inclusive and enquiring tone set by Paul and Tony led to willing participation and exchange of experience and ideas. After each group had introduced itself and answered questions, we broke into four sub-groups, each facilitated by a Thames Valley member, to discuss a variety of themes: my own group concentrated on how tutors set clear goals for observed drives; how tutors assess their own success in achieving goals (as distinct from evaluating associate progress); and ways in which we can keep up to date with evolving vehicle technology such as the different types of automatic gearboxes.  A feedback session followed this, to bring participants’ comments together, and we were promised a summary to follow later.

After lunch Clive Jones, former Head of South Wales Police Driving School, facilitated a seminar entitled “The Anatomy of a Bend”.  He challenged, questioned and informed us at a lively pace and such was everybody’s interest that nobody complained when he overran his allotted hour – we were fully involved throughout.  I noted over 30 different considerations when approaching and negotiating bends – from signage and hedgerows to light and shade, including vehicle condition and loading, oncoming traffic and stopping distances. In fact the whole discussion was an active review and awareness-raiser of what we look out for as advanced drivers and tutors. Monica has approached Clive about running a seminar for the Wiltshire group. We ended by talking about the future. There was general agreement that this self-help formula was interesting and useful, and that it could be repeated once or twice a year, not necessarily with the same participants, in order to share across groups and develop tutor skills. Personally, I found the day very motivating.

Our thanks go to the Thames Valley Group committee, to the member who made the conference room available, to Paul, Tony, Dipendra, Peter and others who led and facilitated the groups, to Clive for giving us the benefit of his experience in such an involving way, to all those who shared their views and experience, and to Les for organising refreshments and sandwiches.

Bill Reed, Car Tutor 
September Meeting Report:  Ian Lewis, Thatcham Research
On the evening of the 14th September we were pleased to welcome Ian Lewis from Thatcham Research, the UK Insurer’s Automotive Research Centre, to talk at our monthly meeting. Their aim is to “Influence the design of vehicles to reduce accidents, improve safety and security and to drive down claims costs.” They are a not-for-profit organisation requiring 8.5 million a year to operate, funded in some part by a levy from insurance members and from donations. They are internationally renowned and their proven products are recommended worldwide.

Ian ran a Powerpoint presentation giving us an insight into the various tests they carry out with short demonstration videos. At Thatcham they do road testing, braking system testing and research, security testing, parts and equipment testing and training and accreditation for engineers. The results of their testing then establish insurance groups for motor vehicles so that insurance fees can be calculated; the safer the car, the lower the insurance group it will be in. Impact testing and bumper compatibility testing establishes the amount of damage caused to vehicles. The cost of repair/replacement of parts together with the time it takes for repairs to be made affects the insurance grouping. Thatcham have a fifty group rating for UK insurers.

They also look at “Active Safety”; things that can help you to not have a collision (although the final decision is usually with the driver). This includes sensors to make you aware of objects behind or in front of your car, parking sensors, blind spot indicators and self-park functions. These are all examples of Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS).

Electronic Stability Control (ESC) has been developed as a result of Thatcham’s working with the manufacturers and this is now compulsory on all new cars in Europe.

AEB (Autonomous Emergency Braking) in which the car will become aware of a potential collision and alert the driver.  If he/she fails to act the car will initiate an emergency stop, this is currently being tested for pedestrians.

There is also a lot of testing of occupant protection systems, e.g. airbags/curtains etc.  Seats are rigorously tested, particularly in respect of reducing whiplash.  £90 of the average insurance premium goes to pay for whiplash claims and so it is most important that where possible headrests are in the correct position.

Ian went on the describe various aspects of vehicle security, telling us about how easy it is to steal a car, and that vehicle crime has reduced by more than 66% over the last few years as a direct result of Thatcham’s research. He recommended that you never ever use anything other than a “Thatcham Approved” security device.

It was a fascinating evening, with far more than I have been able to put into this report, but for further information you can go to their website at

Thank you Ian, there is far more to Thatcham than I had ever imagined.  Keep up the good work.

Mary Southgate 
Christmas/New Year Meal
Our traditional Christmas/New Year meal will be taking place during the evening of Friday 22nd January 2016 at The Village Inn, Liddington, near Swindon. All members and their partners are welcome! To book your places please contact Mary ( as soon as possible informing her of your menu choices from the following menu. Payment in full must be made by 13th December.
Main Course, Dessert & Coffee £16.95
Add Starters £4.95

Melon & Prawn Cocktail
Homemade Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato Soup
Ham Hock Terrine

Main Courses:
Fresh Saddle of Turkey
Stuffing, sausage & bacon

Fresh Salmon
With a Lemon & Dill sauce
Moroccan Lamb Casserole
With apricots, sultanas & Moroccan spices
Topped with flaked almonds 

Homemade Steak & Ale Pie
Chunks of beef cooked with our local 3Bs
Served with roast potatoes & vegetables 

Angus Beef Lasagne
Served with a crisp salad garnish & garlic bread. 

Butternut Squash & Stilton Risotto 
With garlic bread & salad


Homemade Fruit Crumble
Chocolate Gateau
Ice Cream Sundae
Homemade Trifle
Fresh fruit salad
Membership Secretary: Mrs. Monica Graham, 114 Marines Drive, Faringdon, Oxon. SN7 7UG.Tel: 01367 242377
To make sure that you receive our messages we recommend that you add, and to your address list.