May 2019
Dates For Your Diary
Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at Liddington Village Hall, opposite the church

June 10th - Lee Rowly - Airvests
July 8th - Eddie Ruskin - from stroke survivor to ADI

Next date is 1 June 2019 at Three Trees Farm Shop cafe at Chiseldon

BikeSafe Lyneham 
3 July 2019
Supporting Police with tutors at MOD Lyneham

Calne Bike Meet
27 July 2019


Monthly Ride-Outs
Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Check the Forum for details
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker?  Please contact Les Brown!

Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:  

Tom Humphries - Gold - Bike retest
Please welcome the following new members to the Group    
Jane Lomax (Bike)
Sam Frost (Car)
Stephanie Thomas (Car)
Andy Howells (Bike)
Paul Pywell  (Bike)
Terry Brown  (Bike) 
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.

For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!

Please forward all contributions to
We're now on
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Speaker - Pete Russ - Driving Standards & Considerate driving
Following a successful police career, the majority of which was involved in various aspects of roads policing, protection and police driver training, Pete now offers a variety of driving and riding services to both the private and public sectors.   
This is actually a day long course delivered by Wiltshire council and the Police and is used as an alternative to prosecution under Section 5 of the Road Traffic Act; driving without due care and attention.
To deliver these courses, amazingly, there is no requirement for formal qualifications such as a driving licence.
This course is more about the psychology of driving - not about the driving itself. So, presenters tend to be qualified teachers or academics. The day is split into two with the morning spent in the classroom and the afternoon out on the road. The whole concept of such courses goes back to 1991 or so. There is no pass or fail, but there is a certificate of attendance instead and is entirely student led.
Pete sees a lot of elderly drivers who are unfit to drive - for example they have dementia or cannot see very well. Pete cannot stop anyone from driving if he sees they are unfit,  but will report to the Police who then report to the DVSA to have that persons licence revoked. Wiltshire Council does offer a Safer Driving with Age course - SAGE but not being discussed here.
There has been no experience on the course of disruptive students. The course expectations and behaviours are laid down very early on - respect and confidentiality.
The course itself follows a series of modules contained in a logbook that each participant has. Each module is precisely timed and shows different scenarios. Discussions ensue and it is not always about apportioning blame, but how to avoid the incident.
Why do people choose a course rather than face a fine or penalty points on their licence? Silly question, but the attendees’ offences amongst others are:
Rear end shunts with minor collisions
Crossing a red light
Parking near a crossing or junction or school gates
Hogging middle lane - careless driving
A quarter of attendees are from car park collisions where speeds of 5mph, 10mph and 15mph are unenforceable.
The course is not a conviction and is not necessary to always inform the insurer - depending on insurer of course.
During the course, discussions take place in groups such as discussing the consequences of your actions.
Some stats from the Police:
5 people per day are killed on our roads, that's 1,793 per year.
24,831 are seriously injured.
144,369 are slightly injured.
There are many reasons mistakes on the road are made, including distraction, the driver thinks they are good, everyone else does it (whatever it is)! Many drivers are unaware of the rules.
On the course, each participant will keep a log book thinking about their actions and reflecting on their behaviours. Often, people cannot read or write and English isn't always their first language. There is a HWC quiz too.
This brought Pete onto the old favourite of double white lines along the centre of the road. Can bikes filter in stationary traffic. There can be a lack of view, so Pete said to only filter if there is plenty of space. Didn't say if it was legal or not though!
The cost of doing this course is £182 and is cheaper to do here in Wiltshire - the cost varies by county so Pete finds people from all round the country attending.
As a point to note, the riding version of this course is not delivered by anyone with a motorcycle licence.
Thanks Pete for an informative talk. Please come back later in the year and tell us more!
See more form Pete Russ here.
Member's Activities
Have you been up to anything to do with Riding or Driving lately? If so, then please let us know as we would love to include it here; photos would be great too!
May Trippers
Sixteen Members with 9 motorbikes and 4 cars between them spent a surpsingly sunny week in Yorkshire enjoying the local roads and scenery.  Based in a self-catering complex close to the village of Walkington near Beverley; with each of us taking turns to prepare meals for the whole team – interesting aspect of adding a catering competition which would have put masterchef competitors to shame.
The Start of another Sunny Day
Bike and car trips were arranged each day and participants chose the ones they preferred – given the distance to be covered or the proposed destination and how much you had enjoyed the evening before.  The Longest days were travelling to and From the Cottages from Wiltshire which was about 200 miles (depending on where in Wiltshire you live obviously).  A visit to Alt Berg boot manufacturer was 190 miles (with a detour across the North Yorkshire Moors added on).  Some boots were ordered – high quality foot wear here and fitted with typical Yorkshire direct talking.  Boots are made to order and to fit with a lead time of about 8 – 10 weeks.
Cultural trips included the Yorkshire Air Museum and the Eden Camp; a second world war POW camp turned into a very informative museum on the conduct of WW2 and other conflicts covering all aspects of life both at home and for those deployed on operations.  We visited a very sunny Skegness (in Lincolnshire I know) which has an amazing beach, the worlds allocation of fish and chip shops (we counted 8 on a 150m stretch of one street) and some very noisy amusement arcades – a real holiday hotspot for some!

The areas we explored contained some fantastic roads, amazing villages kept in immaculate condition, great cafes and really friendly people.  Other destinations included; Whitby, Scarborough, Spurn Head, Flamborough Headand Yorkshire Downs. We had a great week (Bob Fram covered 1250 miles with about 33 hours of riding) and we are already planning next year; heading to the South West -  more details to follow so come and join in next May.
              Flamborough Head                                     Tour De Yorkshire was 'ere
Chairman's Message
Whilst we all start to enjoy the long evenings and warmer weather please remember we are not too far away from the Annual General Meeting in October.  We will need to vote in the Committee and others who hold positions within the Group.  You will see from the Geek's corner below we are currently only six on the Committee and we need some more people with fresh ideas.  The majority of the Committee are Bike members and we need some more Car members to help us identify the best ways to develop the Goup for all (we are agnostic but a broader mix well be of benefit).
Please look hard to see if there is some time you can give to help the Group improve and achieve our objective of improving road safety. We particularly need a Secretary.  The commitment is not huge  - a few hours per month is all that is needed; mostly supporting meetings, taking minutes and acting as one of the points of  contact for the Group.There is no need to wait for the AGM as we will welcome anyone at anytime
I wish you all a fantastic and safe summer and clear, smooth and twisty roads.
Any questions please ask the  Secretary or  Chairman.
Calne Bike Meet - Help required on Saturday 27 July
We have a stand at the Calne Bike meet on 27 July to promote the Group.  The Chairman will be there all day but we need volunteers to help with the stand througout the day- from about 0800 - 1600.  Please come along and do what you can - you do not have to be there all day as any suport is welcome.  This is not restricted to Bikers either as there are plenty of car drivers who come and chat.  Please do not leave this to someone else but come and help promote the Group.  Please let the Chairman know your availability.
Gloucester  Group Tech Talk “Road Safety and Horses plus Insights in to Life as a Mounted Police Officer”
The Gloucester Group have extened an invitation to their next talk
Alan Hiscox, British Horse Society Director of Safety

Tuesday 6 June 2019 at 19:30 – 21:00

Gloucester South Fire Station Community Room SkillZONE, Tuffley Lane, Gloucester GL4 0AS
Alan Hiscox, a former Metropolitan Police Officer, joins us to talk about the British Horse Society ‘Dead Slow Road Safety Campaign’ and to give an insight in to working life as a mounted police officer. Alan is a knowledgeable horseman and an engaging public speaker, so an excellent evening is assured.
As usual, refreshments will be available. Look forward to seeing you there! 
Skillshare  - Please promote
Skillshare will take place in 2 locations again this year.   1 June, 3 August and 5 October at the 3 trees Farm Shop in Chiseldon and 4 May, 6 July and 7 September at the Haven Cafe near Salisbury. 

All Members please do your best to advertise this; we did not get the message out well last year and turn out was poor. A concerted effort from us all to promote the group and this FREE skills session will help to boost our profile, so ask your family, friends and work colleagues to come and have a go.  Details and the ability to book are on the website.

Grateful if all tutors look to see if they can come and help  - without you it simply will not work.
Geeks Corner - How Many Are we?
Membership overall

Car Members 

Bike Members
Dual membership

108 live in Wiltshire
10 in Oxfordshire
4 in Berkshire
4 in Somerset
2 in Bristol
2 in Hampshire
1 in Malta
There are
6 committee members
7 Lifetime members
Committee minutes   
These are available from the Group Secretary if any member wishes to see them. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto you.

Please could all Members use the Forum on the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation.  It is easy to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.
Test results 
Reminder to let the Membership Secretary and your tutor know when you have taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish to keep your result confidential.  
RoADAR Head Office facebook Page
Reminder of the page: or type in RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders in to your facebook.
Membership Secretary: Mr Gary Franks
Hon Secretary: Mr Peter Genet
To make sure that you receive our messages we recommend that you add, and to your address list.