Dates For Your Diary
Monday 10th February
7:15pm for 7:45 Meeting: Chris Ellis, a RoADAR Examiner, will be our speaker. Amongst other things, he will be discussing modern vehicle technology and tutoring.
Saturday 8th March First Aid Course
Monday 10th March
7:15pm for 7:45
Meeting: Speaker TBA
Monthly Ride-Outs Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Monthly meetings are all held at Liddington Village Hall opposite the church.
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker? Please contact Monica!
Welcome to the following members who have all recently joined the group:
Nicola Jones (car)
Justine Witcombe (car)
Glenn Smith (car)
Luc Edwards (car)
Robert Jackson (bike)
John Jackson (bike)
Congratulations to the following who have all recently passed their advanced tests:
Richard Morgetroyd (Gold - Bike) tutored by Lisa Wilcox
Nigel Forrester (Gold - Car) tutored by Monica Graham Mario Caves (Silver - Car) tutored by Bill Reed Les Alley (Gold - Bike re-test)
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.
For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!
Please forward all contributions to
We are looking for more volunteers to help us during our monthly meetings. There are so many jobs to do that we simply don't have enough people helping out to ensure that everything gets done! Some assistance with tasks such as serving refreshments, selling raffle tickets, selling merchandise, greeting people (particularly new members) and making sure that everyone signs in would be appreciated. Remember that the meetings can only operate smoothly with your help.
Twenty one people enjoyed a very filling Christmas/New year meal at the Bollingbroke Arms, Hook recently. There were Crackers with the obvious jokes in them, and plenty of “craic” (chat) as Oliver would say. A very good evening. Thanks to everyone who attended. |
We are looking for someone to join the committee to take on the role of Associate/Tutor Co-ordinator for the bike section. This role entails allocating associates to tutors when they join the group. It is not a particularly onerous role but it is an important job. Please contact Monica to find out more.
The bike section have now finalised details of the tutor training course for March 2014. The course will involve some evening theory sessions and some weekend practical sessions on the road. If you are interested please email
Tuesday March 11th evening - theory (tutors - Julian & Lisa)
Tuesday March 18th evening - theory (tutors - Julian & Lisa)
Saturday March 22nd - Full day tutor development day at MEP LTD, 6 Wilton Business Centre, Kingsway, Wilton. SP2 0AH (tutors - Julian, Lisa, Mike & Pete)
Sunday March 23rd Sunday - on road training (tutors - Julian & Lisa)
Sunday April 13th Sunday - on road assessment (tutors - Mike & Pete)
There has recently been some confusion (again) between membership of Wiltshire RoADAR and membership of the national RoADAR organisation. We'd like to remind everyone that full members should be paying two annual subscription fees. The first of these is paid to our group to cover your membership of Wiltshire RoADAR. This is currently £14 and, for most members, is due at the AGM in October (on your first renewal, you may pay a partial renewal fee to 'bring you into line' with the October renewal date). The second fee is payable to the national RoADAR organisation to cover the cost of your national RoADAR membership. This has nothing to do with Wiltshire RoADAR! The national membership fee (currently £23) is paid direct to Head Office on the anniversary of the date that you joined.
Associate members will normally only pay the subscription to our group. When an Associate member applies for their first RoSPA Advanced Test, the test fee that is paid includes their first year's membership of the national RoADAR organisation. The national RoADAR membership then becomes due for renewal annually. Head Office will contact members directly to request payment.
The Gloucestershire RoADAR group would like to invite members of the Wiltshire group to the following Technical Talks:
Mon 14 Apr - The legal implications of Road Traffic Collisions by Alan Scott-Davies LLB
Mon 27 Oct - Speed or Drugs or Young drivers by Adam Slaughter
Subjects are aimed at a joint car / motorcycle audience and talks are free and open to any advanced motoring / riding group as well as any other interested person.
There is no need to book, just turn up.
The talks are held at the Cheltenham Area Civil Service Sports Association.
7 p.m. for 7:15 p.m. start. (ends 9:45 p.m.)
Main Function Room, CACSSA (
Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham, Glos GL51 9SL (N51 55.108 W2 6.696)
Contact: 07976 644485