Winston Castle kindly represented the Group at one of the consultation meetings at RoSPA HQ in Birmingham. We furnished him with responses to the latest comminication from HQ and he had our lines to take; there are some areas which are unacceptable to the Group and a severe lack of recognition for the voluteer status of all our members. We will be reviewing the feedback at the next committee meeting and will report back on his findings in time for the AGM in October.
Saturday 13th January 2018. A course has been booked for up to 24 people. Drop a line to the Membership Secretary if interested.
At the end of this course you will obtain an ITC First Aid Qualification which is recognised nationally, certificate, paperwork and updated manual. The group is subsidising this and requires a non-refundable booking and deposit of £25 per person by December 1st. This is an excellent one day course. We have used this company before and it is aimed specifically at car and bike incidents, learning the correct way to take helmet off if necessary.
The cost also includes also refreshments throughout the day. Coffee / tea breaks and lunch.
Membership fees - confused?
This was discussed recently and a clarification is needed. There are two fees to pay:
1. Wiltshire RoADAR (the Group) - an annual fee is paid to the Group in October. This pays for hall hire, speakers and promotional material. This fee does not cover test fees or RoADAR/RoSPA membership fees.
2. RoADAR (HQ) - a fee is only paid to RoADAR (HQ) in the first instance for the test fee. After that, it is up to the individual if they wish to pay an annual membership fee to RoADAR - this is in addition to paying an annual membership fee to Wiltshire RoADAR. If a member does pay an annual fee to RoADAR, then assuming one does so for three years continuously, there will not be a further test fee to be paid for the three yearly retest. The fee to RoSPA is paid by the indiviudual at the time of booking their test. Annual renewal to RoADAR is around the time of your test.
A reminder for all Members there is a
Forum on
the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly
coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation. It is easy
to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.
Test results
to let the Membership Secretary, and your tutor, know when you have
taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our
database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have
the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish
to keep your result confidential.
Committee minutes
It was
discussed at the most recent committee meeting that minutes should be
made available to any member who wishes to see them. We have no
objections to this, of course, but would prefer not to publish them on
our website. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please
send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto
you. Better still, why not pop along to a committe meeting to see them
developed first hand!