Dates For Your Diary
We would like to attmept to run a virtual meeting BUT WE NEED A VOLUNTEER TO COORDINATE IT PLEASE.
Get in touch with the Secretary if you can do this
Could be done on Monday 14 Dec
First Aid course
Being planned for post COVID-19 - more to follow
We will start again in April 2021
COVID Secure monthly Bike Ride-Outs on the 3rd Saturday of every even numbered month and the 3rd Sunday of every odd numbered Month. Email will be sent out to Bikers and added to the Forum.
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker? Please contact Les Brown at |
Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:
Greg Smith - Bike - SILVER
Please welcome the following to the Group: |
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.
For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at |
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!
Please forward all contributions to |
We're now on Facebook AND Twitter! |
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The COVID-19 Secure Newsletter
Chairman's message
As we emerge from the latest lock down there are at least some things to look forward to. I hope we manage to keep the infection rates down so we can stay in the Tier 1 MEDIUM restrictions as this will allow us to mix with friends and family. We will also be able to resume tutoring for those who are happy to do so and the bikers may resume the “group of 6" ride outs.
I am grateful for all the support members have given us this year as we have chopped and changed what we are doing. We have deliberately erred on the side of caution. Whilst advanced driving and riding contributes to road safety, we do not see it as essential journeys; we will continue to keep an eye on the COVID risk level in Wiltshire and adjust as we see fit in accordance with our risk assessments.
It has been a challenging year for all of us and in our different ways. I hope you and yours have stayed safe and well whilst we tackle this evil virus. It is great to see there is the potential for vaccines early next year which may help us return to a new normal.
I wish all of you a Happy Christmas, whatever this looks like for you, and I am confident for more freedom of action in 2021.
Bob Fram - Chair
Please help keep your club
Many people pay their subscription
at the AGM. Sadly this is was not possible
this year.
So, if possible, please pay by
your online banking.
You will need the following
Account Name: Wiltshire RoADAR
Account number: 80006998
Sort Code: 20-84-58
Payment for Annual Subscription
Please make your Reference Your Name +
Otherwise please make your cheques
for £17.00 payable to
Wiltshire RoADAR and send to Gary Franks our Membership Secretary
Last week, the UK Government announced a new Tier structure coming into place December 2nd 2020, putting Wiltshire into Tier 2.
Our understanding suggests that car tutoring is still not possible as it is an indoors event, but bike tutoring and ride-outs are - subject to the rule of six. However, it also suggests journeys are kept to a minimum and with December the ride-outs are always a bit hit and miss due to weather conditions!
At the time of writing, no advice has been heard from HQ in terms of tests etc. As soon as we hear anything, we will pass it on via e-mail. |
Have you been up to anything to do with Riding or Driving lately? If so, then please let us know as we would love to include it here; photos would be great too!
Driven Ohm Racing: 2020 Review
November saw the end of my first racing season, and I think it was a success. I managed to get in 13 races over the year, finishing all of them. I raced a lot at Castle Combe, mostly 20 minute "sprints". I even finished the year at Silverstone at the prestigious Walter Hayes Trophy event.
I also got in a few 2-driver "enduros" of 45 minutes with a pit-stop and driver change. We went to Snetterton and Donnington Park for three of these, plus two more at Combe. For these races I brought in a teammate who is a fellow instructor and ADI at Mercedes Benz World. Steve paired up with me for the five enduros and one sprint at Combe, gaining the 6 signatures he needed to remove his novice badge. My 13 signatures mean I am eligible for an international licence next year, which opens further doors for me.
For the two of us these were important milestones.
I also managed to arrange a track day experience for a few friends as a proof of concept for an offer that will be available from next year. The four guests took turns in the 2020 race car with me alongside coaching them. It was a great day and they thoroughly enjoyed it. They learned a lot about observation and planning, plus car control and balance. All of which should benefit them on the road.
Looking forward to 2021, I have bought a second Mini. A Cooper S. We are working on getting it race ready over the winter. The new car should put me right in the mix for results at Combe, and I have the 2020 Cooper on standby for other drivers to rent and race. We might also use both cars on the track day experiences to allow some driver progression.
I am grateful for the continued support of the group by way of a modest sponsorship arrangement, and I am proud to carry our logo on both cars. I have some interest in further sponsorship for 2021, and hopefully we will be able to welcome friends, family and sponsors to join us at the track in 2021.
Fingers crossed!
Gary Franks
New Books! Updates to Roadcraft are coming!
Motorcycle Roadcraft is the police handbook for rider training. It’s used by all the emergency services and forms a key reference for riding instructors. Updates for this new edition include a new overtaking chapter with separate sections on passing stationary vehicles, single stage overtakes, and multi-stage overtakes and new explanations of advanced concepts, such as limit points on left-hand bends. Guided by a working group of experienced instructors, Motorcycle Roadcraft is essential learning for police officers preparing for the demands of operational riding.
Roadcraft is the police handbook for driver training. It's used by all the emergency services and forms reference for driving instructors. Updates for this new edition include a new overtaking chapter with separate sections on passing stationary vehicles, single stage overtakes, and multi-stage overtakes and new explanations of advanced concepts, such as limit points on left-hand bends. Guided by a working group of experienced instructors, Roadcraft is essential learning for police officers preparing for the demands of operational driving.
Group Meetings and look ahead
As requested at the AGM we would like to try and hold a viritual meeting in November and December. We also need someone to volunteer to coordinate and run the event. If you have the capability to do so or have idea on what we can do drop a line to and we will get things rolling!
This Years' Speakers
Thanks to Les for organising our guest speakers.
New Speakers
Les is working hard to fill the rest of the year’s speakers if you have any ideas please let him know at
Usually held the first Saturday of the month and due to restart April 2021.
Protocols - Risk assessments have been completed and are held by the Chairman
Car tutoring protocol
This is a voluntary activity and both parties (Tutor and Associate) must be content to be in the same car as each other (normally the Associate’s car). It is recognised each individual has their own circumstances and acceptance of level of risk. There will be no judgement of individuals who do not wish to conduct car training.
Wiltshire RoADAR have a written risk assessment which is available on request. The mitigation factors listed below are to minimise the risk of coronavirus infection for the Tutor and the Associate. These are the absolute minimum required and if individuals wish to add their own factors then this is up to them and will be fully supported by the committee.
Essential Mitigation Measures
- No training if either party has displayed COVID 19 symptoms within 7 days or is self-isolating in line with Government guidance (including Test and Trace protocols).
- Face covering to be worn by both tutor and associate. These must be in place prior to entering the vehicle.
- Associate to ensure vehicle interior is cleaned with sanitiser prior to tutor entering the vehicle.
- Ensure hands are clean (washed for 20 seconds and/or alcohol gel as a minimum) prior to fitting face covering.
- Gloves to be worn by tutor when in the vehicle.
- Tutor and associate must not touch their face when in the vehicle or prior to removing gloves and washing/sanitising hands.
- Vehicle ventilation system to be on and drawing air from outside the vehicle (NOT on recirculation). Ventilation enhanced by opening rear windows to allow air flow over tutor and associate to go out of the vehicle.
- Avoid face to face activity and conduct discussions outside the vehicle where safe and legal to do so.
- Any equipment taken into the vehicle by the tutor to be sanitised post the session (alcohol wipes or a bleach solution).
Recommended Additional Mitigation Measures
Gloves to be worn by associate.
Tutor to wear an outer layer of clothing which can be removed and placed in a bag for washing post tutoring session.
Tutor may use a disposable seat covering if so desired.
Bike tutoring Protocol
We must ensure the safety of both the Associate and the Tutor. The following protocol is to be followed:
- Both parties must be happy to partake in the tutoring session – there is no penalty for not wishing to partake provided communication is clear.
- No tutoring if either the Associate or the Tutor have displayed symptoms within the last 7 days or are told to self- isolate by the Government Test and Trace protocol.
- All must follow Government guidelines on self-isolation and shielding.
- Appropriate Social distancing must be rigorously applied.
- Follow Government guidelines for hand cleansing and personal safety – hand sanitiser to be used appropriately.
- Avoid busy locations for meeting and take own refreshments.
- Associates to be encouraged to bring their own copy of Roadcraft and the Highway code for ease of reference during briefing and de briefing sessions.
- Tutor explanations and diagrams to be suitable for understanding from 2 metres.
Rideout Protocol
Maximum of 6 riders:
- Pre booking with the ride leader essential; do not just turn up on the day – first come first served – if more register then we will split into 2 groups
- RV to avoid busy spaces where there will be gatherings of people.
- All riders to arrive at RV with full tank of petrol and ready for the ride.
- Rides to be planned for no longer than 2 hours to prevent the need for rest and fuel stops. May be longer if cafes and other facilities (toilets) are open -we will review as this happens.
- If you want a cup of coffee bring a flask and nibbles for yourself.
- Ride to avoid busy beauty spots where there is likely to be lots of traffic.
There is a thread on the forum where discussion and latest info will be placed.
Feel free to contact Mark Sealey with any questions. And please do let him know if you want to come so he can pre-book if the numbers grow.
Promotional activities
Proposed Promotional activities 2021
Outline events for next year are below, all of which will need member support so please do help us promote our Group:
the Group at Casle Coombe race circuit - Bikes and Cars. Make best use
of Gary's RoADAR Wilsthire Racing antics to spread the word.
We will have a stand at the Calne Bike meet in July (already paid for as this year's event was cancelled).
We will continue to seek support from Wiltshire Council Road Safety Comittee.
Attend the Emergency Services Show should it go ahead.
We will be supporting Wiltshire Police with BikeSafe next year both with tutors to make up the instructor numbers and to help promote the Group. We do this in conjunction with WABAM so it is a great way to reinforce advanced riding and to gather new members.
If you have any ideas for events, then please get in touch with the committee using the committee email address :
Look forward to hearing and discussing your ideas.
Presentation material
A generic set of slides has been created for use if you are asked about Wiltshire RoADAR and have the opportunity to present. This could be at a local club, workplace etc. Please send a mail to and the slides will be sent over to you.
We also have flyers and business cards so ask for these via the same means
First Aid Training - COVID-19 dependant - postponed to 2021
It is intended to provide a first aid training day (subsidised by the Group). This is highly recommended for all tutors as part of our responsibilities for the safety of our associates but also an excellent skill for all of us; you never know when you will need it. It is compulsory training for me at work and one of my colleagues saved her husband’s life as she had first aid training.
This will probably be on a Saturday as soon as we can after the lockdown; we have 15 already interested s. Watch this space for more (we will communicate with those who have registered an interest directly). It is not too late to register interest (this does not commit you) so email the Chairman if you wish to be included
Media coordinator - Help us to broaden our reach
To help promote the group we have a variety of online media platforms, FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. To help make the most out of the opportunities that these outlets provide, we could use some help from someone who has experience of using such tools. Drop me a line at if you would be interested in helping promote our group.
Committee minutes
These are available from the Group Secretary if any member wishes to see them. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto you.
Please could all Members use the Forum on the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation. It is easy to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.
Test results
Reminder to let the Membership Secretary and your tutor know when you have taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish to keep your result confidential.
RoADAR Head Office Facebook Page |
Reminder of the page: RoADAR Head Office or type in RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders in to your facebook.
Car and Bike adverts!
This is a new venture for The Newsletter. Putting members bikes and cars for sale.
You will know it should be a good vehicle as it is being sold by a fellow member.
BMW, R1200RT Tourer FSH BMW panniers, GIVI top box, Bagster tank cover BMW Motorrad SAT NAV Holder £3,695
Very nice well cared for bike. Low mileage, 55,300 miles, only three owners, garaged. Mount for Motorrad SATNAV tested with Garmin SUMO 660 and BMW Motorrad VI. Bagster tank cover. Owned and carefully ridden by a Wiltshire RoSPA Advanced tutor.
Please note:
Wiltshire RoADAR does not take responsibility or vouch for the sales. It is for the purchaser to try the vehicle and make up his or her own mind.
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