April 2016
Dates For Your Diary

Monday 9th May 7:30
Quiz / discussion
Monday 13th June 7:30
Dr. Paul Ewah from Specsavers
Night driving / glasses.
Monday 11th July 7:30
Lee Watson from Honda
Another look at Braking Distances
Shows - we need helpers for these events - please contact Mary

July 3rd
Strawberry Drive at Wanborough
30th July
Calne Bike Meet - the biggest bike meet in the UK
11th September
Hullavington Emergency Services Show

Monthly Ride-Outs
Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. 

Monthly meetings are all held at Liddington Village Hall opposite the church.
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker?  Please contact Monica!

Welcome to the following who joined the Group recently
Michael Southby (bike)
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.

For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at www.wiltshireroadar.co.uk.
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!

Please forward all contributions to newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk
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April meeting report
No meeting report this month. Unfortunately due to a misunderstanding, our speaker, Geoff Gregor, didn't arrive although he is re-booked for the September meeting. Apologies to those members who were disappointed, please come along in September!
Corrections from March meeting report
The equation for stopping distances incorrectly referenced car lengths. This aide-memoire actually refers to speed - as feet per second is roughly 1.5 times miles per hour, then dividing by 15 (approximate car length) gives car lengths travelled, which neatly matches the speed in mph divided by 10 - 3 for 30mph, 4 for 40, and so on.
Alps trip
The Bike Section will be off on their trip to the Alps over the next week or so. We wish them a pleasant holiday free from incident. Hopefully next month we will be able to read all about it!
Chris Gleed on the correct term for priority of one stream of traffic over another:
A common mistake made by the "professionals" within the driving fraternity; driving instructors, enthusiast and government websites and examiners is constantly referring to ‘Right of Way’.
“Who has ‘Right of Way’ at the roundabout, unmarked junction, etc?”
There is no such thing as ‘Right of Way’ in driving! One has a ‘Right of Way’ in other aspects but the driving term is ‘Priority’.
‘Priority over oncoming vehicles’. ‘Give Way to oncoming vehicles’. (Give ‘Priority’ to vehicles from the opposite direction).
No one has Priority at unmarked junctions. Courtesy is generally applied.
(At an unmarked crossroads no one has priority. If there are no road signs or markings do not assume that you have priority. Remember that other drivers may assume they have the right to go. No type of vehicle has priority but it’s courteous to give way to large vehicles. Also look out in particular for cyclists and motorcyclists).
Sometimes you have to give way. ‘Give Way to traffic approaching from the right', as an example.

Use of public rights of way  (.gov.uk)

You can walk on all public rights of way.
Some public rights of way are also open to horse riders, cyclists or motorists.
You can use:
  • Footpaths - for walking, running or mobility vehicles
  • Bridleways - for walking, horse riding, cycling or mobility vehicles
  • Restricted byways - for any transport without a motor and mobility vehicles
  • Byways open to all traffic - for any kind of transport, including cars (but they’re mainly used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders).
We all know that phrases like 'Right of Way’ are often used, but are they correct? So, I encourage all Tutors, and Drivers to get into the habit of using the correct terminology. ‘PRIORITY’.
Even that old ‘STOP’ Sign has an extra bit of information, ‘STOP’ and Give Way!
Chris Gleed - Advanced Tutor
Re-tests and membership subscriptions
Don't forget that all members are welcome to have further training drives/rides with a Tutor before taking their three-yearly re-test. Please contact Monica if you would like to arrange this. Please can you also let Monica know when you take your re-test so that the Group's records can be kept up to date.
On a similar note, a reminder about membership subscriptions. Depending on your status, you will be liable for different fees:
Associate member (not taken an advanced test) - you pay a subscription to the Wiltshire Group only. When ready for test, you pay a test fee to RoADAR HQ, usually via our Group Treasurer.
Full member (passed an advanced test) - you pay a subscription to the RoADAR national organisation (currently £28 per annum).
Your first year's  membership is included in your test fee. At the end of that year you will receive a reminder asking you to set up a Direct Debit for future years, to ensure that your retests will occur every three years.
If you elect to remain a member of Wiltshire Group, you also pay a subscription (currently £17 per annum) to us. This covers our monthly meetings, hire of premises, tutor training, this newsletter, etc.
Swindon 105.5 FM
Peter Genet now has a regular fortnightly slot on the station talking about road safety, advanced riding and driving. Join him every other Tuesday at 10:00 with repeats on Wednesday at 18:00. 29th March and 12th April will be the next two dates.
Skillshare 2016
Skillshare runs on the first Saturday of each month at the Divine Cafe in Cherhill. This year we are extending it to car drivers as well as bike riders. Drivers or riders can turn up and get a free assessment of their skills, with the opportunity to sign up for full membership if they want to take it further. If members get an opportunity to publicise this please ask Mark Sealey (skillshare(at)wiltshireroadar.co.uk) for more information.
Membership Secretary: Mrs. Monica Graham, 114 Marines Drive, Faringdon, Oxon. SN7 7UG.Tel: 01367 242377
Hon Secretary: Mrs. Mary Southgate
To make sure that you receive our messages we recommend that you add newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk, membership@wiltshireroadar.co.uk and secretary@wiltshireroadar.co.uk to your address list.