July 2017
Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of every month 7.30 pm for 7.45 pm at Liddington Village Hall, opposite the church

  No Meeting
September 11
Mark Kendrick From Bespoke Driver Training
Subject Commentary Driving
October 9
Lee Lowry - Air Vests
(Discount on the night)
November 6
December 11
Norman Parry - Both Sides of the Himalayas by Motorbike
January 23 2018
Annual Dinner

Dates For Your Diary

Monthly Ride-Outs
Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. 
National BikeSafe at Rockingham 19 August
Events where we will be recruiting and  need your support - please put them in your diary and inform the Secretary if you can help.
Emergency Services Show
3 September
Cotswold Airport near Kemble
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker?  Please contact Monica!

Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:
Kala Holland  car re-test  Gold
Gary Fossey Car re-test Gold
Andy Peaple - Bike Silver - Tutor Bob Fram
Chris Lawler - Bike Silver - Tutor Peter Genet
New Associates:
Please welcome the following to the Group:
Gary Walsh  - Car,
Helen Doel   - Car.
Ian Sweet     - Bike
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.

For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at www.wiltshireroadar.co.uk.
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!

Please forward all contributions to newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk
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July Notices
Chairman and Committee 
Due to personal circumstances and an objection to the way RoSPA Head Office has been communicating to the groups Stephen Izatt has resigned from the position of Chairnan and the Group.  I am sure you will join the Committee in thanking him for his energy and commitment to RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders Wilthshire and to road safety in general and we wish him well for the future.  In the mean time the Committee will continue with our work (we always rely on consensus) until a new Chairman is voted in at the AGM in October
We are still seeking new Committee members and particularly Chairman, Secretary and Speaker Coordinator.  If you wish to help develop the Group please let Mary know at
If you are at all interested and wish to see how the Committe works then please join us a at the next committe meeting on 20 Sep at 7.30pm in Liddington. We all can add value to the Group and fresh ideas are always welcome so please help to guide and run the Group. 
October still seems a long way off but it will be here before we know it.
Emergency Services Show  - Kemble Airfield Sunday 3 September
The Group have a pitch for recruiting at this busy and exciting show this year.  We are still looking for people to help with this event so if you are able to come and represent us then please let Bob Fram know.  Details of the show are here 
The Show runs form 10 am to 4 pm so we need help to set up our stand, close down at the end of the day and to chat to potential members.
July Speaker - Julie Garbut – British Horse Society(BHS)
We were treated to an excellent talk from a very knowledgeable and enthusiastic speaker.  Julie is the regional manager for the South West region of the British Horse Society; a registered charity.  Their aim is to educate people about horses and their welfare both on and off the road. The Society has more than 200 welfare officers who visit stables, and owners, and there are 96,000+ members with membership is on the increase.  Anyone can keep a horse, livery stables do not have to be licenced although there is an approved BHS scheme.  Riding Schools can also be approved by the BHS.

She showed us pictures of her own horse, Zac, and told us everyone has a “Zac”.
Riders are very vulnerable on a horse.  Motorists do not understand why horses have to be on the road and frequently do not give enough distance/consideration when faced with the prospect of passing or meeting one.  Horses are like dynamite.  It is hard to know what will set a horse off- the most placid animal may suddenly be spooked by something as simple as a plastic bag in the hedge.  An umbrella being put up becomes a dragon,  dogs suddenly barking in a garden, a lawn mower being turned on, children playing, bright new road signs, pheasants, all monsters out to get them. Horses are herd animals and also believe that they are prey and therefore everything is out to eat them!  When they are startled they will run – anywhere – any direction and other road users need to be aware of this.  

Horses have to use the road.  Apart from having the legal right to do so, most horse riders would prefer not to have to but sadly there are nowhere near enough bridle-paths and to get from home/field to a local bridle-path almost always involves some road work.
The British Horse Society has received over 2,000 accident reports in the last five years involving 181 horse and 36 rider deaths.  Accidents can be reported to www.horseaccidents.org.uk  - incidents are increasing from dog attacks, low flying helicopters and even drones.  Electric cars are particularly dangerous to the horse as they are virtually silent until they are upon them.

We were shown a rather graphic video of an accident which made us realise how much damage half a ton of horse can do.  BHS have a “Dead Slow” campaign with the strapline “15 mph; dead? Or Dead Slow?” working with the Police this is an award winning campaign.

The responsibility of the rider was also emphasised.  A rider needs to:
  • Control the horse
  • Know the highway code
  • Ensure that the tac is in good condition and applied correctly
  • Have insurance cover, public liability at the very least
  • Be aware of weather conditions (horses don’t like being splashed by motorist driving through puddles) and bin day (bin lorries are dragons and the bin men in high viz vests are just something else!)
  • Duty Of Care – consider your own safety, that of your horse and other road users.
This was a most entertaining, at times humorous and lively talk, very thought provoking and I must say has given me a great respect both for the horse and its rider.  I shall certainly be much more aware in future.  For further information please see the British Horse Society’s website.  We have some car stickers if anyone would like to display one, please ask and I will let you have one.  Thank you Julie.

Mary Southgate

Head Office - Accreditation Consultation
The next step is for Winston Castle (kind volunteer) to represent the Group at one of the consultation meetings at RoSPA HQ in Birmingham.  We have furnished him with responses to the latest comminication from HQ and he has our lines to take; there are some areas which are unacceptable to the Group and a severe lack of recognition for the voluteer status of all our members.  We look forward to Winston's report.
Calne Bike Meet

Five intrepid bikers turned out on Saturday 29th July to man the Group stand at Calne Bike Meet.  Despite threatened foul weather we were very lucky and only got a few spots of rain. It was well worth the visit; we had a lot of interest, talked to several people about what we do and gave out nearly twenty application forms.  Lets hope some of them find their way back to us.
First Aid course 
Saturday 13th January 2018. A course has been booked for up to 24 people. Drop a line to the Membership Secretary if interested.  

At the end of this course you will obtain an ITC First Aid Qualification which is recognised nationally, certificate, paperwork and updated manual.  The group is subsidising this and requires a non-refundable booking and deposit of £25 per person by December 1st. This is an excellent one day course.  We have used this company before and it is aimed specifically at car and bike incidents, learning the correct way to take helmet off if necessary.
The cost also includes also refreshments throughout the day. Coffee / tea breaks and lunch.

Membership fees - confused? 
This was discussed recently and a clarification is needed. There are two fees to pay:

1. Wiltshire RoADAR (the Group) - an annual fee is paid to the Group in October. This pays for hall hire, speakers and promotional material. This fee does not cover test fees or RoADAR/RoSPA membership fees.

2. RoADAR (HQ) - a fee is only paid to RoADAR (HQ) in the first instance for the test fee. After that, it is up to the individual if they wish to pay an annual membership fee to RoADAR - this is in addition to paying an annual membership fee to Wiltshire RoADAR. If a member does pay an annual fee to RoADAR, then assuming one does so for three years continuously, there will not be a further test fee to be paid for the three yearly retest.  The fee to RoSPA is paid by the indiviudual at the time of booking their test. Annual renewal to RoADAR is around the time of your test. 
A reminder for all Members there is a Forum on the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation.  It is easy to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.
Test results 
Reminder to let the Membership Secretary, and your tutor, know when you have taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish to keep your result confidential.

Committee minutes 
It was discussed at the most recent committee meeting that minutes should be made available to any member who wishes to see them. We have no objections to this, of course, but would prefer not to publish them on our website. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto you. Better still, why not pop along to a committe meeting to see them developed first hand! 
Skill Share

We will be running SkillShare for both cars and bikes on the first Saturday of every month from April to October (inclusive) at the Divine Café in Cherhill at 1000 – 1200 (details on the website if you need them).  Please use this as a way of encouraging new members to come and meet us and have a driving /riding assessment. 
All Tutors please make yourself available where you can to help us promote the Group.  Cars are coordinated by Nick Carrington and Mark Sealey for Bikes.
Membership Secretary: Mrs. Monica Graham, 114 Marines Drive, Faringdon, Oxon. SN7 7UG.Tel: 01367 242377
Hon Secretary: Mrs. Mary Southgate
To make sure that you receive our messages we recommend that you add newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk, membership@wiltshireroadar.co.uk and secretary@wiltshireroadar.co.uk to your address list.