October 2016
Dates For Your Diary
Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at Liddington Village Hall, opposite the church
November 14th
Gary Franks
“Bangers and Cash”
Fundraising for Help for Heroes.
December 12th - TBA
January 13 - Annual meal at the Brewer's Arms, Wanborough

Monthly Ride-Outs
Remember that monthly Bike Ride-Outs take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month. 
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker?  Please contact Monica!
Annual Meal!

January 13th At the Brewers Arms in Wanborough.
Menu has been circulated via e-mail. 
Please let Mary know if you are attending by the December 15th with deposit.

Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:

Jason Aspinall – Silver (Car). Tutor Monica Graham.
Julian BarefootSilver (Bike). Tutor Mark Sealey.
Kevin Hugo - Gold (Re-test Car).  Tony Lamsdale  - Gold (Car) Tutor Monica Graham.

Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.

For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site at www.wiltshireroadar.co.uk.
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!

Please forward all contributions to newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk
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Annual General Meeting 2016
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 10th October 2016 are attached.
Election Of Officers and Committee:
Stephen Izatt
Les Brown
Mark Sealey
Group Hon. Secretary
Mary Southgate
Stephen Izatt
Gary Franks
Group Hon. Treasurer
Mike Southgate
Tony Lamsdale
Les Brown
Group Membership Secretary/Car coordinator
Monica Graham
Nick Carrington
Gary Franks
Bike Co-ordinator
John McKellar
Stephen Izatt
Mark Sealey
Committee Member
Ed Deacon
Monica Graham
Nick Carrington
Committee Member
Mark Sealey
Les Brown
Peter Genet
Committee Member
Phillip Colbourne
Mike Southgate
Mary Southgate
Committee Member
Winston Castle
Mike Bedwell
Phillip Colbourne
Committee Member
Gary Franks
Peter Genet
Mary Southgate
Committee Member
Peter Genet
Gary Franks
Eddie Ruskin
Committee Member
Bob Fram
Mary Southgate
Stephen Izatt

These names were proposed and seconded as stated and the whole election was proposed en bloc by Les Brown and seconded by Les Alley.
Car and Bike Tutors:
Car Section
Car Training Officer Nick Carrington
Car Associate Co-ordinator Monica Graham
Advanced Tutors Les Brown
  Nick Carrington
  Chris Gleed
Approved Tutors Monica Graham
  Kevin Hugo
  Bill Reed
  Gerry Tierney
  Ed Deacon
  David Pooke
  Dave Venman
  Eddie Ruskin
  William McElhinney
Bike Section
Bike Training Officer Stephen Izatt
Bike Associate Co-ordinator John McKellar
Advanced Tutors Julian Barton
  Pete Kempshall
  Mike Southgate
  Stephen Wilkinson-Carr
  Stephen Izatt
  John McKellar
Approved Tutors Stephen Hyde
  Mark Sealey
  David Blackledge
  Bob Fram
  Peter Genet
Membership Renewals
Please note that membership renewals are now due for all members, except those that joined the group after October 2015. Renewal notifications have been sent by email so please look out for it and ensure that your annual subscription is fully paid up. 
October meeting report
Tony Lamsdale speaking about the Speed Awareness Course. (As a presenter, not as an attendee!)

Tony has been a RoADAR member since 2012. and joined the group to get qualified to ride for the Severn Freewheelers (Blood Bike) Group. 

He has a licence to drive tractors and LGV and has just passed his car test at Gold standard. 

Having worked for IBM and offered redundancy, Tony decided to take a completelydifferent career path and registered to work for his CPC licence, qualifying for Commercial Vehicle driving within four months and is now CPC licenced to drive 44-tonners.  

To add to this, Tony registered with AA Drivetec, the academy arm of the breakdown company which delivers training packages to commercial firms for fleet drivers and also “law breakers”.

Being a Tutor for RoSPA holds a lot of weight and he was accepted for the course on the strength of this.  Most of the AA Drivtec trainers are ex driving instructors.

AA DriveTech trainers are independent trainers delivering courses to people who have fallen foul of the law by various means: driving on the wrong side of central road signs, poor decision making, speeding, poor driver alertness and many more. 

People who have been stopped and will get points on their licences attend these courses to lessen the penalties.

Tony thinks it is a shame that you actually have to have “sinned” to attend these courses as if they were taught as part of driver training many of them would not have the problem.

Tony trains on the Speed Awareness Course. The course is four hours long, twenty people to the course, and in 2015 1,207,507 people attended the course.  Most seem to think is “was not my fault” “the copper was hiding” but with the modern technology there is a no argument situation. 

Tony tries to keep the courses “light” while impressing the importance of speed awareness, the whole point is to keep people safe on the road, and get people to take ownership of their driving responsibilities. 

There is no difference between males and females in this catchment, both are more or less equally represented and classes are mixed although the males seem a little more aggressive at the beginning of the courses. 

Speed is still the biggest killer on our roads, 28% of fatalities are caused by inappropriate speed; 186,189 people injured of which 22,144 were serious life-changing injuries. 

The figures are, however, reducing year by year which shows that the modern technology and training is beginning to have an effect. 

The technology is improving year on year and will only get better.  It is the “ish” situation that catches people out – they do not realise that a slow collision will be fatal, “I was only doing a couple of mph over the limit” 

The reasons for people speeding are explored and discussed within the group, the remedies frequently coming from group participants themselves.  They are told that their driving licence does not belong to them, it belongs to the DVLA and can be taken away, so look after it. 

This was a most informative and entertaining talk and we thank Tony very much for taking the time to come and share this with us.  Makes me almost want to go on the course myself, but of course, we are RoADAR trained, so we have already done it!
Mary Southgate
Re-tests and membership subscriptions
Don't forget that all members are welcome to have further training drives/rides with a Tutor before taking their three-yearly re-test. Please contact Monica if you would like to arrange this.

Please can you also let Monica know when you take your re-test so that the Group's records can be kept up to date.

On a similar note, a reminder about membership subscriptions. Depending on your status, you will be liable for different fees:

Associate member
(not taken an advanced test) - you pay a subscription to the Wiltshire Group only. When ready for test, you pay a test fee to RoADAR HQ, usually via our Group Treasurer.  Please note; it appears that Associates who are applying for their tests are being asked by Head Office to join RoSPA.  You DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS until twelve months after your test.

Full member (passed an advanced test) - you pay a subscription to the RoADAR national organisation (currently £28 per annum).

Your first year's  membership is included in your test fee. At the end of that year you will receive a reminder asking you to set up a Direct Debit for future years, to ensure that your retests will occur every three years. 

If you elect to remain a member of Wiltshire Group, you also pay a subscription (currently £17 per annum) to us. This covers our monthly meetings, hire of premises, tutor training, this newsletter, etc.
Swindon 105.5 FM
Peter Genet now has a regular fortnightly slot on the station talking about road safety, advanced riding and driving. Join him every other Tuesday at 10:00 with repeats on Wednesday at 18:00.  Peter is always looking for assistance with content and recording so please get in touch with him if you can help.
Skillshare 2016
Thank you to all who supported Skillshare this year.  We will start again in April 2017.

Skillshare runs from 10 am on the first Saturday of each month from April to October at the Divine Cafe in Cherhill. This year we extended it to car drivers as well as bike riders. Drivers or riders can turn up and get a free assessment of their skills, with the opportunity to sign up for full membership if they want to take it further. If members get an opportunity to publicise Skillshare the website is a good starting point or please ask Mark Sealey  for more information (skillshare@wiltshireroadar.co.uk)
Membership Secretary: Mrs. Monica Graham, 114 Marines Drive, Faringdon, Oxon. SN7 7UG.Tel: 01367 242377
Hon Secretary: Mrs. Mary Southgate
To make sure that you receive our messages we recommend that you add newsletter@wiltshireroadar.co.uk, membership@wiltshireroadar.co.uk and secretary@wiltshireroadar.co.uk to your address list.